2020 新年





Welcoming in the New Year🎉
Within the Japanese tea ceremony ritual is the traditional Omotenashi おもてなし spirit. Which is their unique hospitality spirit of warmth and respect.
The new year provides us with an opportunity to reset our mindset and fore take in cleansing of the old. Through this small tea ceremony demonstration, you can view our purification and preparation of tea giving you a chance to reflect, cleanse and be ready to embrace the New Year.

Always many thanks and
Wishing you a Happy New Year!

We will be closed for January 1st and 2nd and will re-open for the third and fourth this week. After that we will resume our regular hours from Wednesday to Saturday noon to five thirty.

#茶の湯 #おもてなし #omotenashi
#greenteacafe #mountaincafe #nisekocafe #matcha #shincha #日本茶カフェ#マウンテンカフェ #抹茶 #skateboard #skateramp